Disc Art
Different Types of Disc Art:
There are a number of different ways that artwork can be applied to a golf disc. The most popular are: hot stamping, dying, permanent marker and full color digital print.
PDGA rules specify that there is to be no detectable thickness on the surface of a golf disc. So, you are not permitted to participate in a PDGA event with a disc that has stickers or thick paint.
Hot Stamping:
This is the most popular way that disc manufactures apply designs to the surfaces of their discs. While this process is extremely fast, there are a fair number of misprints associated with this process.
Pros: Fast, cost effective, top or bottom application, extreme detail
Cons: Misprints, unable to cover large solid areas in designs, does not extend to the edges of the disc, not the most durable and can rub off over time.
Disc Dyes (Rit Dye):
This process involves heating dye on a stove and using cut vinyl to mask areas of the disc to create a design on the surface.
Pros: Permeant, design can cover the entire discs surface,
Cons: Blurs over time, soaks through to the backside of disc, dye can discolor other discs if soaked in hot water
Hand Drawn (Permanent Marker):
Sharpie Markers work best on (Innova) Pro plastic. This medium duribility plastic soaks in the ink and will not rub off as easily as other plastics.
Digital Print
Pros: Full-color photo-realistic prints on star and champion plastic.
Innova calls it Inncolor. Discraft calls it Super Color and Dynamic Discs calls it Dyemax.